Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dream or Nightmare of the night~~~

Isn't dream suppose to be sweet and nice?? How come I keep dream of figures and last night I dreamed of Paper 7. In my dream, I dreamed of how come still so many new and fresh info that I have never read in fact I have studied the whole book. @.@......This wasn't called dream, it was NIGHTMARE~~~Whole night was nightmare-ing. I think I got nightmares these few days was greatly influenced by the stressors that presenting in my waking life. My GREAT exam. Think too much during day time.LOL~~ Whoever which read this month entries, don't blaime me keep mentioning exam, exam, exam. I have no where to shout out other than here. =D...Hope my nightmare dissapear soon. I prefer slacking rather than 'pia-ing'. However went to watch Narnia with dad today which having heavy heavy brain and feeling guilty. HAHA. During movie, I forgot everything already. Fully enjoyed. Guess what I saw??? OH MY GOD~~~Lots of new release comics. oawwww~~~3 weeks more ~~Just have to wait another 3 weeks, and I can owned it all. mwahahhaa... Another 3 weeks , lots of movies and series waiting me!!! How nice??!!! Just another 3 weeks, I can play my computer gamessss. Just another 3 weeks I can totally fully extremely ENJOYED my life to fullness. How great huh,folks?? BUT, TOO BAD~~~Now have to back reality. *shouting loudly*' FU MENG AR~~~~~~~~~~~'


Shu-Min said...

hai lor.. chan hai fu meng lor... this thurs i'm watching movie.. sure feel like u wan.. damn guilty wan.. ARGHHHHH

Anonymous said...

pai mia ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
this thursday I got test =.=