Friday, June 20, 2008


Finally, I pierced my ear. I mean the upper part of my left ear. ^.^~~~The satisfaction is indescribable. You know, I desired it for ages since I was form 3. In order to pierce it, my mum asked me to lose weight.LOL~~~So...Until the beginning of year 2008, I asked for it again. Not ask actually, I just said I am going to pierce my ear. =D~~~However, I keep on procrastinate because I afraid of PAIN...LOL~~~Manatau, today my mum force me to pierce it. Manatau totally not pain wor. Wah~~~So happy.hehe....FINALLY~~~I thought I chose purple color, but after rice become porridge I only realise is white.=s~~~

1 comment:

Shu-Min said...

looks red! i mean ur ear.. right after u pierce r?

hey u pierce two ears or only one?

i wanna pierce second hold.. right next to the first one.. but scared cause my first one got infection.. scared this time pierce then infection.. then WORSE affect my first one.. *faint* hahaha