Saturday, October 18, 2008

My first wages

Woohoo~~~I got my first cheque from my first job. Anyway, I have spent it within a day. HOHOHO~~~ Spent more than earned. So I am broke again...LALALA


Anonymous said...

so short nia
how much u get? O.O
wat u spend?

爱情的幽灵 said...

walao...when write long u say i write short u complain pula...haha...then how long shld i write ka boleh kira no short no long leh???haha....60 bucks nia...1 day nia ma....haiz....spend to bought 2 top tat hilang liao...huhuhu...

Anonymous said...

I dono wor...u everytime write until so long = = ...sometime too lian my eyes nia f3
wah..juz get money nia go shopping liao ah? so syok..I want shopping also no time = =...hehehehe

Shu-Min said...

lean's gonna belanja baskin next week~ YIPPEEEEEEEEEE~!~!~!

Anonymous said...

yerrrrrrrrr I also want baskin robin T.T

Unknown said...

lu mai tia ms tan siao...she earned more than she is the 1 tat going to treat...hahaeha