Last Wednesday, supposed to bake butter cake. However, dad said 'what?butter again?' I said, 'don't want ar? ok lo, try banana then.' So I went to search the recipe from the net. One of the experienced person said the ingredients are totally the same, just add 4 bananas. So I used my butter cake's recipe and just add on the bananas,mashed it and batter with sugars and eggs. After all settled, I add some banana slices on top to make the cake more chewy..
Looks not bad huh? Unfortunately after cooling, it ‘cakeslide' LOL...zzz...but still edible la..haha..taste not bad...^^
This coming sunday ,most probably is coffee cake.
takda take for us. hmphhhh
ur head....sat pai liao u wan meh?haha..aiya...fgt wrtie..wait ..edit
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