Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Sister!!!

半晴半雨 摄氏 32.2度

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to KLE,
Happy Birthday to you.

Wish you everything gone smooth and safe at KK.


Shu-Min said...

happy birthday lean lean's sis!

i gave rm 100 to lean lean last wednedsday to ask her to pass it to u as ur bday present. pls claim it from her! =D

爱情的幽灵 said...

hahahha...u really tat 'watt' me also can...*kill kill kill*

Unknown said...

Thanks Garfield...By the way, where's my RM 100? Thanks Shu-Min...

爱情的幽灵 said...
